Thursday, June 16, 2011

Guess who lost her first tooth!

Nicole has a loose tooth. I mean, it was REALLY loose. It was gross watching her flip it back and forth with her tongue. Whenever she took a bite, it hurt. It was time for that tooth to go! Ben came to the rescue and put her out of her misery. (see video above-don't judge me because I have a load of laundry on the floor.)

We were afraid that the tooth might get lost under her pillow, so we put the tooth in a ring box and put it on her dresser. Just in case the Tooth Fairy didn't know where it was, we left her a note:
She was VERY excited. I wasn't sure she would ever fall asleep. This morning she ran into my room with this:
What's the going rate for a tooth nowadays? We give a dollar. I don't know if I'm overly generous or a cheapskate, but the kids like it so I don't care.
We are ushering in the days of teeth-that-are-too-big-for-my-mouth and awkwardness. Good times!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Fun

My goal for this summer is to worry less about keeping my house clean and more about having fun with my kids. Less TV, more art projects and trips to the park. Less gourmet food and more picnics.

Sounds good on paper, a little harder to actually do it. Lucky for me, I found a great blog with a bajillion great ideas and decided to do one of them. I got the full directions here. Here's how our Bubble Prints turned out:

Monday, June 13, 2011

Preschool Graduation

I'm so proud of my little girl! Nicole has spent 3 years at Mill Plain United Methodist Preschool and finally graduated. She loved her teachers and her friends. Now it's time to say goodbye to preschool and hello to kindergarten in the fall. Congratulations, Nicole and the rest of the class of 2024!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Belt Advancement

Tyler and Nicole both take classes at Kanthak Karate. They LOVE it. I love it too. I love the teachers, I love the discipline, focus, athleticism, and confidence that my children learn there. I love that it's less than a mile from my house. I am so proud of the progress they have made. Nicole has only been taking classes for a few months, but Tyler has been in for a year and he's doing amazing! Now he wants to be a karate teacher when he grows up. Not a bad goal. Here's the videos of Tyler and Nicole receiving their new belts.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Nice Work!

Tyler: "Mom for being such a great mom, you get this sticker. It says 'nice work', so... nice work, mom."
How do I feel about this?