Have I mentioned how wonderful it is to be in Hawaii when it's snowing at home? Well, it is! My poor brother (Ryan) is STILL sitting on his plane -- on the ground -- in Portland trying to get here. He was supposed to leave PDX at 8:50 this morning, it's now almost 12 hours later and he's still waiting. Poor kid. Meanwhile, today was our first day of sun here. The last few days have been overcast, but still nice and warm. We have spent a lot of time at the beach and it was kind of nice not having to worry too much about the kids getting sunburned. Today we woke up to sun and everyone (Ben) wanted to go to the beach ASAP to get the most of his tanning experience. For those of you who don't know this about Ben, he's got magical skin that tans beautifully and if it burns, the next day it fades into a dark brown glow. I do not have this magical gift. I was cursed with pasty pale skin that does not tan, only burns. When my burn starts to heal, it peels and I look like a leper. Yeah, it's rad. Anyway, I'm super jealous of Ben because his skin looks so nice and I look like a giant lobster with funny lines. I thought about taking a picture of my awesome sunburn lines, but to get the full effect, you'd have to see me naked. Don't worry, I won't make you do that. Just know that I look and feel pretty ridiculous.