Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Is it the 80's again?

As a child, I remember having a chia-pet. I loved them. It was so fun to sit there and watch grass grow. Oh wait, no it wasn't. Chia-pets were a trial of my patience as a child. I always wanted the instant gratification. The chia-pet makes you wait, and wait, and wait, and wait. As a child, 5 days for seeds to sprout is just too long. My mom got the kids a little chia-pet named "Buddy" and I was worried that they would have the same problem I did. I was pleasantly surprised. Tyler wanted to check on Buddy's "hair" every morning, but other than that, he didn't bug me too much about it. When the seeds sprouted, he was thrilled and immediately wanted to give Buddy a haircut. I made him wait another day (I'm so mean) and first thing the next morning, he was ready with his little scissors to give Buddy a "snip" (his words, not mine). Now, every single morning, he wants to snip some hair. I find little pieces of grass everywhere. Nicole hasn't really figured out scissors yet (probably because I keep them away from her at all cost) so she needs some help with her snipping. Buddy's hair is growing like grass now and the kids love it. They wanted Buddy to take a bath with them (because his hair likes water) but we managed to keep him in the kitchen. Anyway, here's a picture (last week, before Buddy's hair got super long) of Tyler giving Buddy his morning snip. Maybe chia-pets are fun, if you like watching grass grow...


Laurel said...

So cute! I think my sister had one and somehow managed to kill the thing. I don't remember it EVER growing its hair. :) Next up for little Tyler: SEA MONKEYS!!! Ya-hoo!

Miracle Gro said...

This is good training for mowing the lawn later. Just tell him that the lawn mower is a giant pair of scissors.