Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dad's Day

Today is "Dad's Day" at preschool. They eat doughnuts and cookies and drink coffee (and other things) while the kids sing and the dads enjoy the general cuteness. Nicole likes to go all out for this day. So, she wore her "wedding dress" and asked me to curl hair, put on mascara, borrow my earrings, and wear perfume. She looked pretty dang cute, but she decided that she needed a headband to complete the ensemble. Yay!! I have an excuse to make a headband in the middle of the day!! Here's what I came up with:
(despite the look on her face, she loves it)

Then she was feeling the need for a little photo shoot and I was happy to oblige. She's so funny. She wants to be a model on Project Runway when she grows up.
(This is her "beautiful pose")

(This is her "model pose")

I'm pretty sure Ben is going to die from the cuteness. If not, I'm sure he'll think she looks pretty at least. Now, if only Tori would let me doll her up, I'd be set!


Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness! So cute! And cute headband too, good job Kristi!

all about the girls said...

So cute!!! Love the girl and the headband!

Micha said...

That is the most adorable thing ever.