Sunday, January 16, 2011

Carter's Mighty Fight

My dear friend, Robin Harris, found out recently that her son has Leukemia. His name is Carter and he's three and a half years old. I hate, hate, HATE that this is happening. It seems so unfair! Bad things shouldn't happen to good people! Sigh. I know that this is not how the world works. Bad things happen to people whether they are good or bad. I just wish it didn't have to happen to my friend. It seriously breaks my heart to think about it, but it has made me even more grateful for my family and for the relative health that we enjoy. If any of you know Robin or want to read Carter's story, here's the blog that she started for him. If you believe in prayer, please offer one for this little guy. He needs all the prayers he can get.


Robin said...

Thanks Kristi. I'm so glad I have such great friends like you so close! Thanks for all the love and support.

Dayley Life said...

I love you Kristi...<3