Victoria Ann Davis

Our little bundle of joy arrived this morning at 6:07 am. She weighed 9 pounds and 2 ounces and is 21 inches long. I guess Kristi knew what she was talking about when she said this baby was a lot bigger than Tyler or Nicole. If you want to hear the story, then read below. Otherwise, feel free to scan the pictures and go back to doing something else.
Last night/afternoon (Saturday) Kristi started to have more frequent and more intense contractions. At about 8 or 9 o'clock, she announced that she was going to take a bath and go to bed instead of playing Wii with me. I was actually quite relieved, because I had played basketball from 6:00 am - 10:00 am, then came home and worked on some landscaping/masonry stuff in our yard from 12:30 until 5:30 pm. Needless to say, I was physically exhausted and ready to get some good sleep. So imagine my surprise when at about 10:30 I went in to go to bed (early, I know!) and Kristi is laying in bed, awake, looking miserable. She told me that she was having more and more painful contractions, and was looking less than thrilled.
Finally at about 11:15 I convinced her to let me take her to the hospital and we could just find out what was going on. I called my friends to come and stay with the sleeping children and off we went. We got to the hospital at about midnight-ish, and lo and behold, she was still dilated at a 2 and 80% effaced. In other words, still the exact same as the last 2 dr. visits she'd had. We were quite bummed and figured that we would be going home soon and would come back later. They kept us there, and at about 1:00 they told us to take the '1 hour walk' and then they would tell us whether or not to go home.

So an hour passed, along with even more painful contractions, but Kristi was convinced that she was still not dilating any more. Finally, at 3:00 am, the nurse examined her again, announced that she was dilated to a 4, and that we would be admitted. We were so happy, nobody more than Kristi who was very ready to get this child out of her. Epidural happened at about 4:00, and then Kristi was able to take something of a cat nap, as was I. Well, I sat in the rocking chair and did the whole sleep while you get whiplash because your head keeps bobbing thing. I imagine it was pretty funny to see.
We thought that the baby would be born at about 7:30, because they needed to wait 4 hours after Kristi got anti-biotics to deliver. But at 6:00 on the nose, the Doctor walked in and said that she had some other things scheduled, so lets have a baby now. About 1 and a half pushes later we had a baby girl at 6:07 am. Kristi is by far the fastest laborer I think to ever push a baby out. All 3 of our kids have come out very fast. At least I thought it was fast.

So here we are, brand new baby, and the doctor announces, "It's a girl!" We were shocked. We had both kind of thought it was a boy, and we have been arguing for weeks about a name for a girl. We had decided on Connor for a boy, but she kept vetoing every girl name I came up with, and vice versa. We had finally come to an arrangement, which was that we would just have a boy so we wouldn't have to worry about a girl name, but just in case, we would go with LaFawnduh if it happened to be a girl.

So there we were. 2 happy parents 2 grandparents, and a baby LaFawnduh. We quickly decided that we needed to do something about the name. We both re offered our favorites again, and the other vetoed them yet again. Finally, I mentioned Victoria (Tori for short) as we had mention this several times before, and neither of us had rejected it. Kristi looked at me and smiled and said that she thought it would be a great name. And so it was. We named her middle name Ann as that is Kristi's middle name also. I then proceeded to curl up on the little couch and get some sleep for the first time in 25 hours.

She is a beautiful little girl, and there have been absolutely no complications with either mom or baby. This is good, after we had problems with Tyler, then problems with Kristi during Nicole's birth. And this one no problems with either. As it turns out, I like it this way much better. The kids adore her, and love to hold her. We are happy to have our little family add another (last?) member. Thanks for all your support and love! We'll post more pictures when we bring her home tomorrow.