Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tyler and his new obsession...

I have been exercising (finally) and the kids aren't thrilled about it. I am not cool enough to wake up at dawn to exercise so when the kids get up, I make breakfast and then turn them loose so I can work out. An hour is a long time with no Mommy attention so they don't really like "exercise time". But today, Tyler saw me doing some "fighting exercising" and he wanted to try. He stayed with me for 34 minutes! It was so funny to watch him. Whenever I took a water break or toweled off, he did the same thing. It was hilarious. I would video it, but I don't really want everyone to watch a movie of me working out. I did a little video of him by himself, hopefully it will work. When we were done, he wanted to do more! He did a few minutes of arms, a few minutes of legs, and then he was done. I asked him if he was done and he said, "yeah, exercise is too hard. I want easy exercise." He wasn't thrilled about my answer that exercise is supposed to be hard. Then I noticed that the only part of the arms and legs exercise that he liked doing was the warm up! That boy is hilarious! He would use the mouse and click forward on the video until he found something he wanted to do. I wish I could exercise like that!

1 comment:

David Lenz said...

Wow, he's getting too old!