I LOVE breastfeeding. I hope to nurse Tori until at least her first birthday. Just thought you should know that before reading this.
I hear that all the time. "Breast milk is best." Yeah, well, what if it makes your baby scream and cry and puke all day? Is it still best? I nursed Tori for 3 1/2 months exclusively. She fussed/cried/screamed and spit up all day every day. I tried changing my diet. No dairy. No chocolate. No caffeine. No vitamin C. No onions. No garlic. No difference. The doctor says "clearly, it's reflux. Let's medicate her." I try the horribly expensive medicine and it seems to help. Turns out, it was mostly just wishful thinking on my part. It seemed to help for a week or two, then we were back to non-stop screaming and barfing. After nearly 4 months of doing everything in my power to make my baby happy, I give up. I put her on formula. TA DA! It's like she's a brand new baby! I can put her down and let her play with toys. I can sit down while I hold her. I can have a phone conversation now that doesn't involve me putting her in her room and shutting the door so I can hear. I'm bitter. Formula is stupidly expensive and I make A TON of breast milk!! I have a minor breakdown in the pediatrician's office for her 4 month check up. She has been on formula for a whole week at this point and I am starting to like being her mother. He tells me to keep nursing. Breast milk is ALWAYS best. She's gaining weight and thriving, so I should keep nursing her. Eventually, she SHOULD stop crying. Sorry, Doc, not gonna happen. I'm going to pump to keep my milk production up and donate it to sick babies who need it. I'll give Tori formula for a month, then try nursing her again. If she starts in with the screaming and puking again, I'll pump for another month and try it again when she's 6 months old. After that, I'll probably give up. Pumping is a pain and right now I'm spending twice the amount of time because I have to pump and give bottles several times a day. I feel good about donating my milk to sick babies, so that cuts down on the "bitterness factor" a little. To put Tori to sleep tonight, I pumped myself empty and let her nurse herself to sleep. It was sad because I knew I was just a pacifier instead of the person providing the greatest nutrition she could get. This whole thing sucks. If anyone has any great advice, I could really use it because I've done everything I can think of. In the meantime, thank goodness for Enfamil. It sure is making my life better these days.
Elle was a horrible baby....then I put her on formula...ta da as well. I didn't feel bad about it :) She's healthy.
Don't feel bad! My gosh, you have already gone above and beyond! I started giving Aubrey a bottle so I could leave her and what do you know? She prefers it! She won't nurse anymore at all! And I'm with you--I love nursing! These babies sure have a mind of their own! And hey, if formula helps the mommy be a good mommy.... that's gotta be better than anything else!
Sometimes you just have to do what's best for the baby and your family. Don't feel bad. She's much more comfortable now too. I'm impressed at how hard you've worked. Formula is wonderful and without it some babies wouldn't get food. I can't breastfeed my babies for some reason - there just isn't enough milk there no matter how hard I try.
I did find out from my doctor that the store brand formula is perfectly fine to give to your baby and is half the cost of enfamil. Too bad my baby won't touch the stuff, but I have friends whose babies love it. They have all the same kinds as enfamil - even the acid reflux.
At least you're still producing milk! Noah is only 3 months and I think I'm slowly starting to dry up! I say do whatever works best for you and baby. Not everyone can nurse for a whole year... Good luck! She sure is adorable!
I am about ready to give up the nursing as well. Bumblebee seems to spit up everything I feed her and it is getting to me. If it doesn't improve in the next month, I am making the switch.
Kristi, Mollie Dixon here!!! How are you?? Don't give up yet. This sounds like my little Coby to a tee. Want to know my secret...herbs. I know that sounds a little bit hippie, but I swear by them now. If you can you need to go to an herbalist and have them do a "plan" for you. Tell them exactly what is going on and they'll tell you what herbs to take to help your baby. I take some that calm the baby, make him poop, and make my milk more rich at the same time. I have to admit though, I still don't eat anything that makes him upset, but he is a completely different baby than he was for the first 4 months of his life. If you don't want to give up, seriously consider the herbs. Let me know if I can give you an other advice.
I couldn't breastfeed Kylee and she's perfectly healthy and happy. My mother in law bottle fed all five of her kiddos (including my hubby) and he's super healthy too! Its not that I think its not true what they say....I mean I am B.F. Emma right now I just think you have to do whats right for each baby. You should try Kirkland brand formula from Costco....almost half the price and just as good!
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